An Enigma - Behind the Curtain

The UnderstandYourself Big Five Personality Assessment is a comprehensive tool that provides individuals with a deeper understanding of their personality traits. This assessment is based on the Big Five personality model, which categorizes individuals into five dimensions of personality: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness.

By answering a series of questions, individuals can gain insight into their unique personality profile. The assessment provides detailed feedback on each dimension, highlighting strengths and weaknesses within each trait. It also compares the individual's results to the general population, allowing for a better understanding of how they differ from others.

Overall, the UnderstandYourself Big Five Personality Assessment is a valuable resource for personal growth and self-awareness.

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Agreeableness: 11th Percentile

People high in agreeableness are nice and avoid conflict, but may hide their true thoughts. People low in agreeableness are not as nice, but are straightforward and dominant. They are seen as competitive, less empathic, and less forgiving. They are skeptical and less likely to be taken advantage of, but may struggle with cooperation and trust. They are good at bargaining and tend to have higher salaries. They prioritize solving present problems over maintaining short-term peace.

Conscientiousness: 35th Percentile

People with moderately low levels of conscientiousness are not particularly dutiful, tend to procrastinate, and require supervision to stay on task. They are less likely to achieve higher grades and make optimal managers. They are not concerned by failure, tend to downplay the relationship between hard work and success, and prioritize leisure and relaxation. However, their tendency to slack off may be negatively perceived by others.

Extraversion: 53rd Percentile

People with average levels of extraversion enjoy social contact but are also happy spending time alone. They strike a balance between privacy and self-disclosure and are not known for being overly talkative. They can fit well into a range of jobs and are not particularly impulsive. They do not tend to dominate social situations unless they are low in agreeableness (which I am).

Neuroticism: 26th Percentile

People with moderately low levels of neuroticism are less focused on negative emotions and tend to cope well with stress. They have higher self-esteem and are at lower risk for anxiety and depression. They are also more tolerant of stress, accept failure and setbacks, and can handle risk better.

Openness: 75th Percentile

Openness is a personality trait that reflects an interest in novelty, art, literature, abstract thinking, and philosophy. People with moderately high levels of openness are often seen as smart, creative, exploratory, and visionary. They enjoy learning, acquiring new skills, and attending cultural events. However, they may struggle in routinized and predictable environments and may be more inclined towards entrepreneurial pursuits.